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VISUAL VOICE : Where lines meets and colors intermingle.

About Me

I am an observer and a lover of nature. I am carried away by my surroundings, events that happen before my eyes. I look and reserve my voice.

I graduated from Maryland Institute College of Art with a Masters in Fine Art. I have been working all my life until the arrival of my son in 1997. I stayed home for almost 10 years and concentrated on raising him and also being an artist.

Now I teach art full time and enjoy my work and the children very much. I paint during the Spring and Summer time. Every year I showcase my work in my home.

My Thoughts

Colors are my passion! Colors transport me to a special place. Mixing colors is like being in a lab. Creating color, creating new colors and putting them in the places of the composition is a painting being made.

Lines – horizontal, diagonal, vertical are the elements in the buildings. It create drastic or subtle compositions.

Beside visual elements, music play very important role in my painting. I love classical Spanish guitar and classical music that have depth and story to tell.

Latest Paintings

Old Town Alexandria is breath taking in Springtime. Bright sun light, fresh air and the shades of multi-color compositions appear before my eyes.  Being at this moment in time, I am captured by their strength.

Previous Works

A few miles beyond Georgetown at the banks of the Potomac River appears a serene place, a wave of fresh air,the start of winter. Flowers combine colors. Some are cool and some are warm. Subtle hues next to contrasting colors show the emotions of the work.


Going places, and taking pictures are my favorite past time. Imagining what they
will look like on the painted canvases.

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